Welcome to the Horseshoe Valley Property Owners Association
At the Horseshoe Valley Property Owners Association, we strive to enhance the quality of community life by advocating issues or interests affecting our members. Read More
Membership Renewals
Need to renew your membership? You can renew online here.
News & Events
Check out the News Posts and Upcoming events to get the most up to date information. If you have any suggestions for improvements to our site, submit a community interest article or advertise on our business directory, contact a Board member at [email protected]
Oro Medonte Good Neighbours Alliance (OMGNA)
The OMGNA is a community organization formed to support the Oro-Medonte Township in protecting the Township’s zoning By-law that prohibits short term rentals (STRs) in residential neighbourhoods. The By-law is being challenged in the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) by the operators of these STR properties. The Alliance believes that the Township By-law prohibiting STRs, protects neighbourhoods from the unmanaged disruptive “ghost hotels”. These ghost hotels have negatively effected Horseshoe Valley and other Oro-Medonte neighbourhoods.
HVPOA is one of the twelve property owner and ratepayer associations in Oro-Medonte that support the work of the Alliance.
For more information go to Good Neighbours OroMedonte
Please consider supporting the OMGNA through a financial contribution towards their substantial legal costs in protecting all Oro-Medonte neighbourhoods from STRs.
Bulletin Boards
Community Bulletin Boards are located at post office boxes as follows:
· Line 4 and Highland Dr
· Line 4 and Alpine
· Line 3 and Highland Dr
· Pine Ridge Trail
· Country Club Lane
Please feel free to post items on the community bulletin boards that are of interest to members of the community. Please click on the “Community” tab and scroll down to Bulletin Boards to review the guidelines for posting information.
Copeland Forest Friends Association (CFFA)
The Copeland Forest Friends Association (CFFA) works with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to conserve the natural integrity of the Forest while facilitating compatible recreational use. This volunteer association, while working with others, has developed stewardship strategies that include:
- using scientific research to monitor the Forest and to identify sensitive areas and invasive species
- developing educational opportunities
- supporting a sustainable network of trails
The Association needs the participation of all – including anglers and hunters, horseback riders, snow sports users, hikers, naturalists, mountain bikers, local residents and businesses, to ensure the continued sustainability of the Forest. For more information on how you can become a member of the CFFA and where to purchase trail maps, please visit www.copelandfriends.ca
Nurse Practitioner Clinic Information
Huronia Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic located on the 4th line – click on the link for more information.